I love lightning talks. With such a variety of different topics, its impossible to not learn anything new. When I heard about Tech Nottingham’s latest meetup, I had to take attend! I gave my own lightning talk of course. Most of you will know that I never shy away from an opportunity to speak. Some parts of the my lightning talk can be found in the this blog post.

I’ve been following the Tech Nottingham group for a while. When I created my 2020 goal to attend as many different meetups as possible, they were on my list. I’ve never been to Nottingham and hoped to visit the historic city at some point this year, attending a meetup while I was there. Unfortunately, these plans were scuppered by the COVID-19 pandemic so I had to settle with attending the meetup online. Hopefully, I’ll be able to attend in person in the future.

I took the opportunity to experiment with my new set of brush pens and create some sketch-notes for the different lightning talks. I’ve only missed 2 out, my own lightning talk (not sure how I can sketch-note my own talk), and the talk ‘Remembrance’ by Louise Paling which I felt would have been inappropriate due to the subject. Louise gave a brilliant talk about a piece of artwork by Ai Weiwei. It was created to commemorate students killed when schools collapsed during the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake. The artwork included voice recordings of the names of over 5000 children being read out.

Lightning Talk Sketchnotes