Louise Gibbs - Software Tester

Defending the quality of our software applications since 2013


My name is Louise Gibbs and I am a Senior Automation Tester at Pebble Pad, a company who have developed an online learning platform used by Universities. My main role is reviewing and maintaining the automated tests included in the overnight test run.

I graduated from Bangor University in 2013 with a degree in Computer Science for Business. Previously, I worked at MandM Direct, an online fashion retailer, and Malvern Panalytical, a company who developed scientific instruments.

I really enjoy talking about Software Testing. Everyone’s experiences are different, which means that everyone will have different opinions. I want to hear other peoples stories on software testing as I believe this is the best way to learn and develop new ideas. Most importantly, I want my own theories to be challenged as this also helps develop my own opinions further.

“Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress” -Mahatma Gandhi