These are test cases generated using the TestCraft browser extension for the Room Booking feature that is available on the Restful Booker website. This has been done for Day 10 of the 30 Days of AI in Testing challenge, setup by the Ministry of Testing.

The blog post where I critically analyse these test ideas will be posted soon.

Generated Test Ideas

Positive Tests:

  • Verify that the calendar displays the current month and year correctly.
  • Test clicking on the “Today” button to ensure it navigates to the current date.
  • Check that the “Back” and “Next” buttons navigate to the previous and next months respectively.
  • Validate that the booking form includes fields for Firstname, Lastname, Email, and Phone.
  • Test clicking on the “Book” button to confirm it initiates the booking process.

Negative Tests:

  • Attempt to input invalid data in the email field to check for proper validation.
  • Try submitting the form without filling in any required fields to verify error handling.
  • Test entering a past date in the calendar to see if it allows booking for past dates.
  • Click on the “Cancel” button and verify that it cancels the booking without submitting the form.

Creative Test Scenarios:

  • Test booking a room for a specific date in the future and verify that the date is correctly reflected the booking.
  • Try booking multiple rooms simultaneously and check if the system can handle multiple bookings.
  • Test the responsiveness of the calendar and booking form on different screen sizes to ensure a seamless user experience.
  • Enter special characters in the name fields to check for proper handling and data validation.